Steph Fuller
portraits of the elderly (the quiet Australians)
(working title)
These photographs are of trees. I made them black and white because of the connection to portraiture and because of the ambiguity it gave to the images, and how much more human some of the textures look when the colours aren't there to guide the viewer.
They will likely be printed and placed uniformly around the front gallery walls.
The Australian Dream
This video was made in my backyard on a warm afternoon in January.
The hose running on a hot day felt like something tied to my Australian upbringing.
The water spreading is intended to reference the way that fires spread throughout the country over Dec 2019 / Jan 2020.
This work may / may not have accompanying sound - yet to be determined.
Below is a 5 min excerpt, full video pending upload.
5 min excerpt from The Australian Dream, 2020
Night Sky (working title)
This video work will play in the FELTdark space (facing out into the street and played after hours).
It is the first time I have superimposed multiple videos together.
It is intended to represent the night sky.
The insects are all dying.
At one point, the insects are arranged to mimic the Southern Cross constellation and
the Pointers (but they move around so it is only fleeting).
This work will go for longer and have more insects (they will be duller so that the constellation is still apparent)
I may rotate the entire video so that the constellations are as they appear from SA at the moment.